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(How) can your employees buy extra holidays?

16 August 2023

What if your employees would like extra holidays on top of the agreed statutory and non-statutory holidays, and the work allows this? What are the possibilities? You can already assume that it will boost your employees’ motivation if you can respond to their requests for extra holidays. For that reason alone, it is worth looking at the options.

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If you cycle to work, a bicycle allowance pays off!

27 April 2023

Thursday 27 April is ‘I cycle to work’ day. The aim on this day is to get as many employees on their bikes as possible. Acerta research shows that lots of employees regularly cycle to work. Over one in five workers today already receive an allowance to pedal to work. From 1 May, that figure is likely to rise, as a new collective agreement entitles private-sector workers to a bicycle allowance under certain conditions. High time for an employer to take a moment to reflect on the bicycle allowance and the changes that are coming.

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Bicycle allowance to become mandatory

31 January 2023

In the National Labour Council, a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) was concluded that provides a general obligation for employers to assign a bicycle allowance.

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Wage agreement for 2023-2024: what does it entail?

13 December 2022

The government has reached a consensus on the wage agreement for 2023-2024. What does the proposal entail? What are the next steps you should take?

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Retaining staff is greatest challenge for SMEs

30 September 2022

What are SMEs' greatest HR challenges today? Acerta, ETION and VKW Limburg asked 500 Belgian SMEs. What turns out to be the case? Not attracting but retaining employees is number one on the list of hr challenges for the second half of 2022. How do SMEs plan to keep their employees committed to their organisation? You can read about it in this blog.

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Higher home-working allowance possible from 1 June 2022

01 June 2022

Electricity costs have gone up sharply in recent months. This means the maximum amount for a home-working allowance will also be raised as of 1 June 2022.

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Rewarding: not just money counts

31 May 2022

Rewarding and compensating your employees: how exactly do you do that? Recent research by Ghent University reveals that offering telecommuting lessens the appetite for a pay raise. Rewarding doesn't actually have to consist solely of "money," as Acerta' s survey of more than 2,000 employees proves. We provide you with tips for an improved and motivating pay policy.

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Half of twenty-somethings considering career switch

10 May 2022

One in three workers wants to change career direction. Twenty-somethings in particular are considering a job in another sector, according to a survey of more than 2,000 working Belgians. Why? What they want is to experience greater meaningfulness, a better work-life balance and/or good pay.

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Fair and transparent remuneration is the best way to go

28 April 2022

A fair wage, a clear growth path and transparent communication work best. But how exactly do you do that? Acerta explains.

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