Doccle FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Acerta and Doccle

About Doccle - general

1. What is Doccle?

2. Is Doccle safe?

3. How long do the documents remain visible?

4. Is Doccle free?

5. I forgot my username/password. What now?

6. I have a technical problem with my Doccle account. What now?

Start with Doccle as an employer

7. How to get started with Doccle as an employer

8. Can Acerta support me in the roll-out of Doccle in my organisation?

9. One employee on Doccle, all on Doccle?

10. If the employee chooses the paperless solution of Doccle, will the employer still get a paper version?

11. How can the employer know which employees use Doccle and who selected the paperless solution?

12. As an employer I definitely go for the digital payslip. Can I turn the paper setting “off” for all my employees?

13. From when can a new employee start to see his or her payslips in Doccle?

14. Is it legal to only give my employees a digital payslip?

Using Doccle as an employee

15. How can I get my Acerta access code for Doccle?

16. Do I have to create a new Doccle account for Acerta if I already have one for e.g. KBC or Telenet?

17. How do I know when a new document is available for me on Doccle?

18. Is the use of Doccle mandatory?

19. Which Acerta documents can I see and manage in Doccle?

20. Can Acerta also access documents from other Doccle partners?

21. What is the difference between Doccle and Zoomit?

22. Can I also receive a paper version of my payslips besides the digital version in Doccle?

23. My employer/legal entity changed. What do I have to do?

24. I have a new HRM number. What do I have to do?

25. I did not have a final national register number and now I do, will I still receive my documents in Doccle?

26. I applied for a token and I received the notice that my employer is blocking this. What now?

Getting started with Doccle

1. What is Doccle?

Doccle is a safe and easy-to-use digital archive on the internet, the best way to manage your administration in one place. Doccle works as a virtual letterbox: you receive documents (e.g. invoices), you can read, pay and store them.

 Acerta set up Doccle together with Telenet and CM. Other suppliers are also using Doccle now: KBC, Waterlink, Farys ... and more and more are joining. The most recent overview of all partners is available on

With Doccle Acerta offers you a channel to receive and store payslips (including corrections), individual accounts and income tax cards.

Hence Acerta is definitely going for digitalisation, a smoother, more efficient and especially greener administration, without paper, with Doccle. Are you in?

2. Is Doccle safe?

Doccle was developed in cooperation with Worldline. Your data are one hundred percent safe and are never used for other purposes. Participating partners do not have access to documents or data from other partners.

More info about Doccle’s privacy policy.

3. How long do my documents remain visible?

Tax forms and individual accounts are stored for 10 years, payslips for 7 years, unless you decide to delete them sooner.

Documents will never disappear from Doccle without receiving a notification well in time. If you want to store documents longer, you can always save them on your own computer.

4. Is Doccle free?

Yes, no costs are related to Doccle.

5. I forgot my username/password. What now?

On the Doccle login page you can request your username and/or password. Make sure to use the email address you used to create your account. Did you forget or do you think this is easier, get in touch via the chat function on

Caution! Do not create a new account because you will lose all connections with the partners you were already connected to.

6. I have a technical problem with my Doccle account. What now?

Doccle has a helpdesk. You can contact it via the chat function.

Start with Doccle as an employer

7. How to get started with Doccle as an employer

Every Doccle user needs a token to login to Doccle.

Employers have 2 options to request those tokens:

The collective request can be done easily through your Acerta branch. Get in touch through this page and receive a list with a token per employee.

If you prefer your employees to register individually, there are 2 ways to do this:

  1. With e-id an employee can activate his/her token and connect directly with Acerta in Doccle.
  2. The employee can request the token via his/her national register number and HRM number (stated on the payslip) and will then receive a letter containing the token.

More info about requesting the token can be found under question 15.

Click here to watch the success stories, tips & tricks from Acerta and other customers when rolling out Doccle.

8. Can Acerta support me in the roll-out of Doccle in my organisation?

Yes, Acerta has a start-up kit for you with templates and even a video to promote Doccle within the organisation. You can find it on this link.

9. One employee on Doccle, all on Doccle?

No. Every employee makes an individual choice to either use Doccle or not. Even if you do not actively promote Doccle as an employer, your employee can still request a token and use Doccle to receive his/her documents in digital format. It is recommended to make a choice as an organisation and communicate it to your employees. Only when you would explicitly ask for Doccle to be blocked for your company, employees will not be able to make a connection with Acerta in Doccle.

10. If the employee chooses the paperless solution of Doccle, will the employer still get a paper version?

No. The payslip for the employer will obviously remain available in My Documents.

11. How can the employer know which employees use Doccle and who selected the paperless solution?

You will find an overview of the employees and their Doccle settings on My Documents. You will see which employees are connected with Doccle and what the paper setting is (on or off).

12. As an employer I definitely go for the digital payslip. Can I turn the paper setting “off” for all my employees?

No, employees have to change that option in Doccle under settings. As an employer you communicate this choice and the method to your employees.
Click here to watch the success stories, tips & tricks from Acerta and other customers when rolling out Doccle.

13. When can a new employee start to see his or her payslips in Doccle?

Your new employee can access his/her payslips in Doccle AFTER the first payroll processing.

Yes. Acerta advises to include the following provision in your work rules or employment contract: “The employee declares to agree that his future payslips/ that as of salary period XXX payslips shall exclusively be sent to him in digital format and stored by the employer via Doccle cvba, company number 0846.382.408, which acts as a digital archiving service. These payslips can be consulted in Doccle via”

Start with Doccle as an employee

15. How can I get my Acerta access code for Doccle?

As an employee you have 2 ways to make the connection between Doccle and Acerta:

  1. If you received an e-mail from your employer, click on Doccle Connect.
  2. With e-id an employee can activate his/her token and connect directly with Acerta in Doccle. Click here to make the connection.

16. Do I have to create a new Doccle account for Acerta if I already have one for e.g. KBC or Telenet?

You do not have to create a separate Doccle account for Acerta if you already have an account. You do need your Acerta token to make the connection with your Acerta documents. Log on with your user data and click on the Acerta logo. This is the link to the Doccle application.

17. How do I know when a new document is available for me on Doccle?

You will receive an email from as soon as a new documents is available to you in Doccle.

18. Is the use of Doccle mandatory?

No, Doccle is an additional service from Acerta. Your employer determines whether and how he wants to use Doccle. If you know and/or use Doccle but your employer does not (yet), you can ask your employer about it.

19. Which Acerta documents can I see and manage in Doccle?

On Doccle you can access your payslips (including corrections), income tax forms and individual accounts from your employer via ‘connect with Acerta’.

20. Can Acerta also access documents from other Doccle partners?

No. You should see Doccle as your own letterbox, just that it is online. The different Doccle partners obviously know what they sent you, but they do not see what other partners sent you.

21. Wat is het verschil tussen Doccle en Zoomit?

On Doccle you can see, manage and pay documents. It simplifies your personal administration.
On Zoomit you can only make payments.

22. Can I also receive a paper version of my payslips besides the digital version in Doccle?

If you have not explicitly turned off paper in Doccle, you will still receive a paper version besides the digital version when you are connected with Acerta.

If you have turned off the paper settings you can always print a document in Doccle.

If your new employer also works with Acerta as a payroll company, you just have to reconnect with Acerta in Doccle. You can do so with your existing Doccle account via e-id. Or request a new token with your new HRM number and your national register number.

24. I have a new HRM number. What do I have to do?

If you stayed with the same employer but you were given a new HRM number, reconnect with Acerta on Doccle with your existing Doccle account via e-id. Or request a new token with your new HRM number (see question 15).

25. I did not have a final national register number and now I do, will I still receive my documents in Doccle?

No, you have to reconnect with Acerta in Doccle with your existing Doccle account and your new national register number.

26. I applied for a token and I received the notice that my employer is blocking this. What now?

Your employer seems to have chosen to block Doccle which makes it impossible to manage digital documents via Doccle. Contact your employer if you want to change this.