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How do you deploy sustainable mobility solutions to make your company stand out from the crowd?

Sustainable mobility is in the spotlight during Mobility Week. Examples like bike leasing and mobility budgets have been consistently gaining in popularity in recent years. More and more employees, both current employees and potential candidates, expect their employer to make sustainable choices. Companies that invest in this area can count on more engagement and a stronger employer image.

Mandatory bike allowance boosts the popularity of bike leasing.

As many as a quarter more employees than last year are leasing a bike through their work. The number of companies offering this sustainable option has increased by half. What makes bike leasing so attractive?

“The benefits of bike leasing for employees are clear,” says Karolien Van Herpe, Mobility Expert at Acerta Consult. “Bike leasing offers employees the chance to pay for the bike from their gross wages, effectively making it a lot cheaper. Your employees then receive a bike allowance for the actual distance they subsequently travel when commuting. Our research shows that making that bike allowance mandatory in May last year has simply boosted the popularity of bike leasing. ”

A smart choice for employers too

But offering bike leasing is also attractive for employers. Here is a list of some of the benefits.

  • Cost-neutral and tax advantage: Bike leasing through work costs you nothing extra as an employer, unless you choose to contribute financially. Employees pay for the lease bike through their gross wages, leading to tax benefits.
  • Health and well-being: Your cycling employees tend to be fitter, less stressed and take less sick leave. This creates a more positive working atmosphere and increases productivity.
  • Better mobility and less congestion: Employees who cycle help to reduce traffic congestion and parking problems. It also means they are more likely to arrive at work on time.
  • Sustainability: By offering cycling through work, your organisation presents itself as being environmentally conscious and modern, appealing to both employees and customers. Moreover, because a lease contract runs over several years, you also build a long-term relationship with your employees.

Mobility budgets are also gaining ground, but growth potential remains high

Mobility budgets allow employees entitled to a company car to exchange this benefit for a flexible budget. This can then be spent on a smaller, more environmentally friendly car, used for other transport options including public transport or bikes, or paid out as cash.

The popularity of mobility budgets is growing, especially among start-ups looking for more sustainable choices: their numbers increased by 66% last year. Although more and more companies are offering a mobility budget, the number of employees taking advantage remains relatively limited, as many companies do not yet offer the option.

According to Karolien Van Herpe: “Gone are the days when employees, especially young people, automatically chose a company car. For employers in a tight labour market, this is an important signal.”

Conclusion: Bike leasing as a strategic choice for employers

Sustainable choices are becoming increasingly important for both employees and employers. Bike leasing and mobility budgets are rapidly gaining in popularity and help to create a greener, healthier working environment. Companies that embrace these solutions will strengthen their image and meet the broader expectations of their (future) workforce.

Interested in bike leasing for your company?

Find out how a cycling policy can promote your employees’ well-being and reduce mobility costs. Whether you choose a central supplier or a local dealer, we will help you handle all the calculations and set up a cycling policy.

Want to implement the mobility budget efficiently?

Discover our 5-step plan and save time with a solution that integrates seamlessly with your payroll processing.

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Written by

Karolien Van Herpe

Senior Legal Consultant Legal & Reward

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