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Employers, these are the changes for September

31 August 2021 Employers
Miet Vanhegen

Laws and regulations change regularly, and this affects you as an employer or your employees. Acerta therefore provides you with an overview of the socio-legal changes that are planned for September.

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As from 1 September, teleworking is no longer recommended in Flanders and Wallonia. In Brussels, however, home working is still recommended. Employers who welcome their employees back to the office still need to apply prevention measures. The generic guide, supplemented by the sectoral protocols, serves as a guideline for this.

Central index exceeded

The central index for public sector wages and social benefits was exceeded - earlier than expected. Social benefits, the guaranteed minimum income, the minimum wage for flexi-workers and wages in the social profit sectors will be indexed by 2% in September. In October, the wages of civil servants and the social profit sectors (which were not yet indexed in September) will also go up by 2%.

Eco-vouchers: new list of products and services

The list of products and services that employees can buy with eco vouchers will change from 1 September. The eco voucher is an extralegal benefit that allows employees to buy ecological products and services. These products and services are clarified in a National Labour Council list which is reviewed and updated every two years.

Informal care leave: change of rules

Informal care leave has been possible since 1 September 2020. Informal care is when a person provides ongoing or regular help or assistance to a recognised person in need of care with whom there is a relationship of trust or a close, affectionate or geographical relationship. In the meantime, the rules have changed, and your employees - who are recognized as caretakers - can take up to 3 months of full-time caretaker leave from 1 September 2021.

Flemish training leave: common right of initiative

For the 2021-2022 school year, which starts on 1 September, the Flemish government has created a joint initiative for Flemish Training Leave and relaxed the minimum requirement of 32 training hours. The joint right of initiative means that both employee and employer can propose training.

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Written by Miet Vanhegen

Juridisch adviseur

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