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The mobility budget is to have an official calculation formula

19 October 2023

Good news for companies that wish to implement the mobility budget: the government has published an official formula to calculate the amount of the annual mobility budget. This comes with a view to raising transparency in order to hopefully further increase mobility budgets.

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Purchasing power bonus as a little extra employee perk

11 October 2023

After the corona bonus, at the end of 2022 the federal government decided that companies that turn a handsome profit should be allowed to pay their employees a one-off purchasing power bonus. This little extra comes in the form of consumption vouchers. Find out why it is a rewarding decision for employers to award the bonus.

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Budget agreement: which measures affect employers?

11 October 2023

On 9 October 2023, the federal government reached an agreement on the 2024 budget. On the industrial relations front, they agreed on a number of labour market reforms which should help bring about employees working longer or returning to work, making work more rewarding and keeping the labour market competitive. These agreements are to be turned into legislation over the period ahead. Based on the information currently available to us, we are happy to already provide you with a run-down of what this could mean for you.

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Late to work due to traffic disruption

15 September 2023

What if your employees arrive late to work because of traffic disruption? Are they still entitled to their wages?

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What if your employee is tuck at his holiday destination?

03 August 2023

Extreme weather such as fierce forest fires and hailstorms upset the holidays of many Belgians. For holidaymakers hit by severe weather, starting start the journey home in good time is by no means easy. What if your employee is unable to return in time to resume work?

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What if there's too much or too little work during the holidays?

25 July 2023

While the summer period is not a busy one for lots of companies, peace and quiet can be hard to find when your employees are on holiday. Those left behind often have to take on more tasks – the duties of those absent. What's the best way to prepare for the hustle and bustle, or the calm, of the summer holidays? What if there's too much work? What if there's too little? You can about this read it here.

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Pension reform: federal government reaches agreement

14 July 2023

Belgium's ageing population poses a societal challenge. The federal government reached an agreement on pension reform on 10 July 2023: a new package of measures to improve the financial sustainability of the pension system. The new package complements the 2022 pension deal and the 2023 budget measures.

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Teleworking abroad: what about social security?

27 June 2023

Teleworking is usually performed from your home office, but with a good internet connection, you can work anywhere in the world. From 1 July 2023, it will be possible to allow limited teleworking from abroad under certain conditions, without compromising social security.

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Changes in Flemish target group reductions

05 May 2023

As an employer, you pay quarterly social security contributions to the NSSO, but did you know that you may be eligible for a target group reduction? This means a significant reduction in your wage bill for several quarters. However, there will be some changes to certain existing target group reductions in Flanders in the coming period. In this blog, we list all the changes.

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