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Have you been affected by the severe weather? RVA eases support measures

29 July 2021

RVA has published the easing of measures which will make it easier to offer support to employers and employees. Here we give you an update of the changes.

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Storms and floods: what do you need to know as an employer?

19 July 2021

Extreme weather such as fierce forest fires and hailstorms upset the holidays of many Belgians. For holidaymakers hit by severe weather, starting start the journey home in good time is by no means easy. What if your employee is unable to return in time to resume work?

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Bereavement leave will soon be extended

15 July 2021

The law on extending bereavement leave upon the death of a partner or a child, and on greater flexibility in taking bereavement leave, was published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 15 July.

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Flemish training leave: collective right of initiative during the school year 2021-2022

08 July 2021

The Flemish government is launching a directed training and career offensive as part of 'All hands on deck' (the Flemish recovery plan). Next school year, a temporary joint initiative right for Flemish training leave will be created, whereby both employees and employers can propose a training course.

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Summer 2021: employers, keep an eye out for these changes

01 July 2021

Acerta lists what's new in July, August and September.

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Wage margin 2021-2022: what's in the agreement?

06 May 2021

The government has reached an agreement on the wage margin for 2021-2022. The social partners had already thrown in the towel, leaving the ball in the government's court. This article will give you an overview of what exactly the agreement entails.

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Why will more employees have to pay additional taxes in 2021?

29 April 2021

In 2021, more employees than usual will have to pay additional taxes. Chances are they will ask you, as an employer, about this.

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Brexit: what are the support measures?

19 February 2021

As an employer, are you dependent on trade with the UK? Discover the support measures for companies that are losing revenue because of Brexit.

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Travel ban and extensive isolation: what are the consequences for companies?

25 January 2021

The consultation committee of 22 January 2021 has announced a temporary travel ban and extensive isolation. What impact do these decisions have on businesses?

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