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Time registration: what obligations are there (not)?

02 November 2021

Is the time clock back? Time registration is on the table again, but not with the idea of controlling. We do, however, have to look after the welfare of our employees. After all, the time clock helps to keep work and private life more separate, and that can be useful in a hybrid work context. What does the legislation say about time registration? Can you use it today or in the future? We'll explain.

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Will temporarily unemployed workers lose their holiday entitlements in 2021?

22 October 2021

Employers affected by the corona crisis can put their employees on temporary unemployment since March 2020. In principle, the temporary unemployment days due to corona do not count for the calculation of holidays and holiday pay the following year.

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Agreement on budget: what decisions have been taken?

13 October 2021

Prime Minister De Croo delivered the policy statement in the annual State of the Union. The core cabinet reached a final agreement on the budget. What measures are relevant for employers? An overview is given here.

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Sectoral negotiations 2021-2022

12 October 2021

Every two years, the sectors negotiate new sectoral agreements. They are doing so after the national social agreement (IPA) is approved. Some sectors already have an agreement for 2021-2022, others are still negotiating.

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What socio-legal changes are there in October?

30 September 2021

Laws and regulations change regularly, and this affects you as an employer or your employees. Acerta therefore provides you with an overview of the socio-legal changes that are planned for October.

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Temporary unemployment is extended until end 2021

23 September 2021

If you still need to rely on temporary unemployment after 30 September, you will be able to do so until the end of the year due to the relaxed procedure for temporary unemployment based on force majeure.

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Central index exceeded in August : what does this mean for the guaranteed average minimum monthly income?

10 September 2021

The August index exceeded the guaranteed average minimum monthly income pivot (GMMMI). From 1 September 2021, the amounts will increase by 2 %.

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Employers, these are the changes for September

31 August 2021

Laws and regulations change regularly, and this affects you as an employer or your employees. Acerta therefore provides you with an overview of the socio-legal changes that are planned for September.

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Flexible working: what are the legal possibilities?

25 August 2021

Place and time-independent work is the most important HR theme for the next three years. With the new school year starting, that flexibility is often much needed by employees with school-age children. But what are the legal options? Acerta gives you an overview.

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